The International School Estepona aims
“Learning the correct answers will get a child through school, but learning how to learn is a preparation for life.” – Maria Montessori’
Maria Montessori recognised that children have a natural willingness to explore and that the best motivation for learning is self-motivation.
Classrooms use the Montessori materials and teacher lead activities that inspire children to learn through play and exploration such as blocks, art, play dough, dressing-up, puppets etc. While children are encouraged to make their own choices and take responsibility for what they would like to do in the classroom. Teachers will facilitate their learning by extending their experiences through structured/academic and group activities.
We build upon the foundation of concrete learning into a more abstract one. Our primary programme follows The National Curriculum in England and Wales, which has a strong focus on the three R’s (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic). In addition, the School syllabus includes Science, Spanish, History, Geography, R.E, Music, Art, Drama and PE. These subjects are taught by dedicated, experienced teachers, who strive to help each child to be motivated, inspired and to perform at his or her full potential. We wish to instil in our children a set of attributes, skills and values that will enable them to make informed choices and become responsible principled pupils with an informed global perspective.
Contact us today for a tour of the school or to enroll your child